(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: oatanov@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Topological Superconductivity
Research Interests
Majorana Modes in 2D and Quasi-1D Topological Superconductors, Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulators
Mr. Omargeldi ATANOV graduated from HKUST and continued his doctoral study under the supervision of Prof. Rolf W. LORTZ in 2019. He is preparing 1D nanoribbons from a quantum anomalous Hall insulator/superconductor heterostructures to search for signatures of Majorana modes.

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: chenfeng.cao@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Quantum Information Theory, Near-term Quantum Computing, Reinforcement Learning in Quantum Physics.
Research Interests
All theoretical aspects of quantum information, especially on variational quantum algorithm, quantum error correction, the interplay between machine learning and quantum physics.
Mr. Cao obtained his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences before pursuing, his PhD in The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology since 2019. He is conducting research on quantum information and quantum computing in Prof. Bei ZENG’s group.

Graduate Student
Email: ychanae@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Observing non-equilibrium dynamics in a material using frequency-resolved optical gating
Research Interests
Advanced optical spectroscopy, Non-equilibrium dynamics and photo-induced phase transition in quantum materials
Miss Yi Chan received her BSc degree from HKUST in 2020 and continued her study as an MPhil student under the supervision of Prof. Jingdi ZHANG. Her research interests are advanced optical spectroscopy, non-equilibrium dynamics detection and photo-induced phase transition measurement. She is now working on the observation of non-equilibrium dynamics in a material using frequency-resolved optical gating.

Graduate Student
Email: chchancn@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Quantum Information
Research Interests
Quantum Error Correction Code
Mr. Chan obtained his Bachelor’s degree from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2020. He is now pursuing his MPhil at HKUST under the supervision of Prof. Bei ZENG.

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email : yfchen@cuhk.edu.hk
Research Area
Condensed Matter Physics
Research Interests
Major: Quantum sensing based on nitrogen-vacancy center
Minor: Cavity quantum electrodynamics and strong light-matter interaction
Mr. Chen Yifan graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and started his PhD in CUHK under the supervision of Prof. Sen YANG in 2019. He transferred to HKUST following Prof. Yang to continue his doctoral study in 2021. Mr. Chen has been improving microwave waveguide fabrication technique for better control of quantum state of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center. He is also experienced in fabrication of micro-photonic structures, such as solid immersion lens and fiber nanocavity, to enhance fluorescence signals collected from NV center.

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: zchencx@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Ultracold Atoms Experiment
Research Interests
Ultracold Atoms Experiment
Born in Shenzhen, Mr. Ziting Chen graduated from Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China, where he studied Microelectronics and Physics. He then moved to HKUST for pursuing PhD in Physics and started working on ultracold atoms experiment under the supervision of Prof. Gyu-Boong JO in 2018.
Together with colleagues, Mr. Chen has dedicated his efforts to construct a new generation of atomic quantum simulator with ultracold erbium atoms as he started PhD career. Ultracold atoms are considered as a clean and pristine platform for verifying various quantum phenomena. This new apparatus features a long-range magnetic dipolar interaction within degenerate quantum gas and potential to integrate various advanced techniques including high-resolution imaging and tunable trap geometry and dimension. Starting from an empty room, the team has realized magneto-optical trap for erbium in April 2019 and finally realize first dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate in Hong Kong in January 2020. Besides, this construction phase also prepares us for advanced technique. For example, a technique called second stage slowing was developed, which can greatly enhance capture ability of magneto-optical trap with narrow-linewidth transition (published in PRA, July 2020). Moreover, another technique called active control of diode laser with injection locking was developed, which offers a cost-effective solution for achieving high laser power with pure mode (in submission). As the construction stage came to end, Mr. Chen and his colleagues have started to investigate the property of dipolar bosonic quantum gas, aiming to understand the interplay between interaction (both short-range and long-range), dimension and correlation in this exotic system.

Graduate Student
Email: fdengaa@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Metamaterials, Plasmonics
Research Interests
Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Quantum Materials and Artificial Materials

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: xgaoap@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Condensed Matter Theory
Research Interests
Exotic Phenomena concerning Superconductivity, Topology and Magnetism in Condensed Matters
Mr. Gao obtained his Bachelor's degree at Fudan University in 2017 before pursuing his PhD at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology under the supervision of Prof. Vic Law. He has been exploring the novel quantum phenomena concerning superconductivity, topology and magnetism in solids with both theoretical and numerical methods.

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: zgaoah@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Condensed Matter Physics
Research Interests
Topological Phases of Matter and Possible Applications to Quantum Computation
Mr. ZheShen (Jason) Gao graduated from Fudan University in 2016 and then he joined Prof. Vic Law's group in HKUST. His research interest mainly focuses on unconventional superconductivity, which includes: (1) realizing and detecting majorana fermions in real materials and its possible application to topological quantum computation, and (2) disorder enhanced multifractal superconductors. He is also interested in applying machine learning techniques to physical problems.

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: ehajiyev@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Ultracold Atoms
Research Interests
Atomic Clock Laser
Mr. Elnur HAJIYEV graduated with Bachelor’s degree in Physics and Applied Physics from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) of Singapore in 2010. Upon graduation he worked in Center for Quantum Technologies (CQT) in National University of Singapore (NUS). During the first half of his stay in CQT he helped building cold atom machine for Strontium atoms in David WILKOWSKI’s lab. In the second half of his employment in CQT he assisted experiments with Lutetium ions in Murray Barrett’s lab. There he achieved sympathetic cooling of Lutetium ions via cooling Barium ions. In August of 2015, Mr. Elnur joined Prof. Gyu-Boong JO’s lab to do his PhD. During his stay he has developed a laser system capable of addressing the clock transition in Ytterbium atoms. Laser system involves a homemade long cavity master laser, frequency doubler, and the high finesse reference cavity made of ultra-low-expansion glass. After the spectroscopy with atoms, the clock transition has been found and now the refining works are underway.

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: cheab@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Cold Atoms and Quantum Simulation
Research Interests
Fermi Gas in Optical Lattices, Weakly Interacting Fermi Gas with SU(N) Symmetries
Mr. Chengdong He graduated from Beijing Normal University before pursuing his PhD in HKUST under the supervision of Prof. Gyu-Boong JO in 2015.
Since 2015, Mr. He has been studying spin orbit coupled Fermi gas in optical lattices in 1D and 3D, which have topological band structures. He also measured collective mode and Tan’s contact in weakly interacting SU(N) symmetries Fermi gas.

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: yheca@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics
Research Interests
Quantum Simulation with Ultracold Quantum Gases
Mr. Yifei He graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in China. He came to HKUST to continue the doctoral study under the supervision of Prof. Gyu-Boong JO in 2021. In 2018, Mr. He joined a new group in Key Laboratory of Quantum Information CAS in USTC, where he developed the interest on AMO experiment and quantum science. He helped to build up a new system for Cavity-QED experiment during his undergraduate study. Now Mr. He works on the ultracold Erbium atoms.

Graduate Student
Email: yhebz@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Condensed Matter Theory
Research Interests
Novel Properties of Quantum Materials

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: koho@link.cuhk.edu.hk
Research Area
Quantum Information Technology, Condensed Matter Physics
Research Interests
Quantum Sensing Using NV Centers in Diamond (under Extreme Conditions); Superconductivity and Magnetism
Mr. Ho obtained BSc and MPhil in Physics from Department of Physics of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Afterward, he spent one year as a research assistant. As an awardee of Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme, Mr. Ho is now pursuing PhD in Physics under Prof. Sen YANG’s supervision at HKUST.
His research covers several disciplines on Quantum Physics and Material Science. In his undergraduate research, he worked on superconductivity and magnetotransport in topological material [Ref. 4]. Since his postgraduate career, he has been developing, under different (extreme) conditions, the NV center as a versatile quantum sensor. This novel methodology is successful in measuring the Meissner effect of a type-II superconductor [Ref. 3], probing the pressure inhomogeneity in anvil cells [Ref. 2], as well as estimating strain inside amorphous solids [Ref. 1].
In Situ Studies of Stress Environment in Amorphous Solids Using Negatively Charged Nitrogen Vacancy (NV−) Centers in Nanodiamond
K. O. Ho∗, M. Y. Leung∗, Y. Y. Pang∗, K. C. Wong, P. H. Ng, and S. Yang, Appl. Polym. Mater.3, 162 (2021). -
Probing Local Pressure Environment in Anvil Cells with Nitrogen-Vacancy (N-V−) Centers in Diamond
K. O. Ho∗, M. Y. Leung∗, Y. Jiang∗, K. P. Ao, W. Zhang, K. Y. Yip, Y. Y. Pang, K. C. Wong, S.K. Goh, and S. Yang, Phys. Rev. Appl.13, 024041 (2020). -
Measuring magnetic field texture in correlated electron systems under extreme conditions
K. Y. Yip∗, K. O. Ho∗, K. Y. Yu∗, Y. Chen, W. Zhang, S. Kasahara, Y. Mizukami, T. Shibauchi, Y. Matsuda, S. K. Goh, S. Yang, Science366, 1355 (2019). -
Angular dependence of the upper critical field in the high-pressure 1T’phase ofMoTe2
Y. J. Hu, Y. T. Chan, K. T. Lai, K. O. Ho, X. Guo, H.-P. Sun, K. Y. Yip, Dickon H. L. Ng, H.-Z.Lu, and S. K. Goh, Phys. Rev. Mater.3, 034201 (2019).

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: slhoad@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Topological Superconductivity
Research Interests
Majorana Modes in Quasi-1D Topological Superconductors
After graduating from HKUST, Mr. Ho has started his doctoral study in his alma mater under the supervision of Prof. Rolf W. LORTZ since 2019. He is preparing 1D nanoribbons and nanogaps from various heterostructures to search for signatures of topological superconductivity and Majorana modes.

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: jhuaw@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Condensed Matter Physics, Quantum Materials
Research Interests
Topological Materials, Unconventional Superconductors and Quantum Transport

Graduate Student
Email: mhuah@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Solid State Physics
Research Interests
First-principles Calculations; Topological Materials; Magnetic Materials
Ms. Hu obtained her Bachelor's degree from Central South University before pursuing her PhD at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2018. She is now focusing on the topological and magnetic material related numerical calculation in Prof. Junwei LIU's group.

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: mchuang@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Research Interests
Major: Contact Measurement in Dipolar System
Minor: RF system
Mr. Mingchen Huang graduated from the Southern University of Science and Technology in China. He came to HKUST to do doctoral study under the supervision of Prof. Gyu-Boong JO in 2019. Mr. Huang has been developing a RF system in the ultra cold atom- Er atom system which could generate RF signal to drive atom between different sub-state. In the meanwhile, contact measurement of the dipolar atom system is also in progress for the purpose of observing the contribution of the dipolar interaction in contact measurement.

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: zhuangci@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Condensed Matter Physics
Research Interests
Major: First Principle Calculation; Valleytronics (Spin-valley locking)
Minor: Topology Phase of Matter
Mr. Huang obtained his BA from the Southern University of Science and Technology in 2019. He is currently pursuing his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Junwei LIU. He mainly works on the C-pair spin-valley locking theory.

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: kmlauah@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Quantum Optics, Metasurfaces, Non-Hermitian optics
Research Interests
Metasurface and Exceptional Point Physics in the Quantum Regime
After graduating from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Mr. Lau has been pursuing his doctoral study in HKUST since 2018. His current interests are theoretical studies of quantum optics in metamaterial/metasurface and non-Hermitian systems.

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: kliaw@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Condensed Matter Theory
Research Interests
Quantum Entanglement and Tensor Network Approaches in Quantum Many-body Problems
Mr. Kangle Li obtained his Bachelor's degree in Physics from the University of Science and Technology of China. Then he pursued his PhD studies at Purdue University in the US before transferring to HKUST in 2021.
Before switching to condensed matter theory, Mr. Li worked on various topics in high-energy physics. He is now studying how tensor networks could be employed to describe unconventional phases of electrons.

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: hong.liang@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Quantum Optics, Metasurfaces
Research Interests
Quantum Interference on Metasurface, Metasurface Design for Quantum Control
Mr. Liang graduated from Nanjing University in 2020 and now is pursuing PhD study in HKUST. He is working on quantum photonic platform for metasurface study.

(MPhil) Graduate Student
Email: ktloaa@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Quantum Magnetism
Research Interests
Skyrmion Phases in Quantum Magnets
Mr. Lo graduated from HKUST and continued his doctoral study under the supervision of Prof. Rolf W. LORTZ in 2020. He is measuring the topological Hall effect to investigate magnetic skyrmion phases in quantum magnetic materials.

Graduate Student
Research Interests
Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Quantum Materials

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: kkpak@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Ultracold Quantum Gas
Research Interests
Atomic Molecular Optical Physics in Ultracold Quantum Gas
Mr. Pak is a graduate of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He has been studying his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Gyu-Boong JO since 2020.

Graduate Student
Email: kcpangac@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Condensed Matter Theory/Quantum Many Body Physics/High Energy Physics
Research Interests
Condensed Matter Theory: Topological Insulators/ Superconductors/Luttinger Liquid
Quantum Many Body Physics: Quantum Entanglement Entropy in Many Body System
Mr. Pang obtained his BSc in Physics from HKUST in 2020. He is now pursuing his MPhil degree under Prof. Hoi Chun PO in condensed matter theory.
Mr. Pang mainly worked in primordial cosmology when he was an undergraduate and observational cosmology during first year study in MPhil. Impressed by the beauty of condensed matter theory, Mr. Pang decided to switch his research field from observational cosmology. He is in particular interested in understanding how symmetries affect the condensed matter systems.

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: mkparit@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Quantum Physics
Research Interests
Major: Ultracold Quantum Gases
Minor: Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
Mr. Mithilesh K. Parit graduated in Physics (5 Year BS-MS Dual Degree) from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata (IISER Kolkata). He was an INSPIRE Fellow awarded by the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, during his undergraduate studies at IISER Kolkata (2013-2018). Mr. Parit worked at Institut d’Optique Graduate School Palaiseau, France on 39K experimental setup where he studied the algebraic localization-delocalization transition of ultracold atoms in a one-dimensional disordered potential with a bias force. Later, he continued his research in quantum droplets and supersolids at IISER Kolkata. Currently, he is working on Er quantum simulator at the HKUST.

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: kqianab@connect.ust.hk
Ms. Qian obtained her Master of Science from Northeastern University (US) following her Bachelor’s degree of Metallic Materials Engineering from Sichuan University. As a recipient of HKUST Redbird Scholarship, Ms. Qian joined Spintronic Quantum Material Laboratory (SQML) as a postgraduate student in Fall 2020. Her research interests include control of spin dynamics in hybrid quantum spintronic materials and systems.

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: zrenaf@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Quantum Simulation in Cold Atom Area
Research Interests
Quantum simulation, Quantum information, Deep learning
Mr. Zejian Ren graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology before studying his PhD at HKUST under the supervision of Prof. Gyu-Boong JO in 2016. Mr. Ren works on the spin-orbit coupling physics of ultra cold atoms, topological phenomenon in quantum experiments and deep learning application in quantum physics. He is now working on the quantum simulation of non-Hermitian systems.

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: zrenai@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Research Interests
Spin-orbit Torque, Skyrmion
Mr. Zheyu Ren obtained his Bachelor’s degree from Harbin Institute of Technology, majoring in Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering. He joined Spintronic Quantum Material Laboratory (SQML) of HKUST as a postgraduate student in Fall 2019. His research interests include control of spin dynamics in hybrid quantum spintronic materials and systems.

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: bseo@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Atomic, Molecular and Optical (AMO) Physics/Quantum Gases
Research Interests
Dipolar BECs in Optical Trap
Mr. Bojeong Seo graduated from Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology in South Korea. He came to HKUST to continue the doctoral study under the supervision of Prof. Gyu-Boong JO in 2016. Since 2016, Mr. Seo has worked on the creation of dipolar BEC for the quantum simulator. The long-range anisotropic feature of dipole-dipole interaction in dipolar BEC allow us to study many fascinating phenomena, such as supersolidity, quantum droplet, and extended Bose-Hubbard model. Mr. Seo and colleagues have successfully achieved a dipolar BEC in 2020 with two-stage slowing scheme (published in Physical Review A, July 2020). Mr. Seo studies in the effect of dipole-dipole interaction in 2D optical trap with an accordion lattice.

Graduate Student
Email: 1155133592@link.cuhk.edu.hk
Research Area
Quantum Information
Research Interests
Major: Quantum sensing and Quantum Computing in Solid-state System
Mr. Shen Yang graduated from the Chinese University of Science and Technology of China before studying his PhD at The Chinese University of Hong Kong under the supervision of Prof. Sen YANG in 2019. Mr. Shen works on the experiments under the NV center system in diamond to study the quantum correlation and nuclear spin bath dynamics.

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: zsunaw@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Research Interests
Novel Topological Phase, Transport Effect in Quantum Materials, Unconventional Superconductivity
After graduating from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2020, Mr. Sun came to HKUST to pursue his PhD in condensed matter theory under the supervision of Prof. Kam Tuen LAW.

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: cywanag@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Superconductivity, Topological Materials
Research Interests
Vortices in Superconductors, Topological Crystalline Insulators
Mr. Wan obtained his BSc in Physics from HKUST in 2020. He mainly works on predicting signatures of Majorana zero modes in superconducting topological crystalline insulators where the nature of the vortex states can only be distinguished by lattice symmetries.

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: zwubp@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Quantum Computing, Quantum Information.
Research Interests
Quantum Machine Learning Algorithm, Quantum Error Mitigation
Mr. Wu obtained his Bachelor’s degree from Tsinghua University and is pursuing his PhD in Prof. Bei ZENG's group.

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: yxieai@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Condensed Matter Physics, Quantum Materials
Research Interests
Superconductors, Topological Materials, Quantum Transport, 2D Materials
Mr. Yingming Xie obtained his Bachelor’s degree from Beijing Normal University in 2016 before pursuing his PhD study in HKUST under the supervision of Prof. Kam Tuen LAW. During his PhD study, he has been working on various quantum materials with the interplay of strong spin-orbit coupling, topology and superconductivity. His current interest is on topology and correlated physics in Moiré materials.

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: ruopeng.yu@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Condensed Matter Physics
Research Interests
Topological Materials
Mr. Yu obtained his Bachelor's degree in Physics from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2020. He is now pursuing his PhD at HKUST under the supervision of Prof. Kam Tuen LAW.

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: czhangbv@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Condensed Matter Physics, Quantum Materials
Research Interests
Berry Phases Effects in Novel Materials, Unconventional Superconductors and Topological Materials.
Mr. Zhang obtained his Bachelor’s and Master's degrees from Nanjing university before joining HKUST to pursue his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Kam Tuen LAW in 2017. Now, he is interested in studying the topological properties in quantum materials, such as twisted 2D van der Waals heterostructures.

(PhD) Graduate Student
Email: ezhaoaa@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Ultracold Quantum Gas
Research Interests
Major: Quantum Simulation
Minor: Machine Learning Aided Studies in Quantum Gas
Mr. Entong Zhao graduated from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, China. He came to HKUST to continue the doctoral study under the supervision of Prof. Gyu-Boong JO in 2018. During the study in HKUST, Mr. Zhao works on the ultracold quantum gases of 173Yb in the quantum simulator and the machine learning-aided analysis of SU(N) fermions.

Graduate Student
Email: yzhaocs@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Condensed Matter Physics, Machine Learning
Research Interests
Topological Superconductors, Machine Learning Inspired from Physics
Mr. Zhao is a graduate of the Southern University of Science and Technology. He obtained his Master’s degree from Hong Kong Baptist University. He has been pursuing his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Junwei LIU since 2018.

Graduate Student
Email: xzhoubm@connect.ust.hk
Research Area
Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Terahertz Spectroscopy
Research Interests
Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Quantum Materials; Nonlinear Laser Plasma Physics